Map Of Waterdeep

  1. Map Of Waterdeep Area
  2. Map Of Waterdeep Dnd 5e
  3. Waterdeep City Map

Maps showing the metropolis of waterdeep. Interactive map of waterdeep. Us federal judge william pauley in manhattan sentenced cohen to 36 months in prison for unlawfully paying money for silence which was a violation of campaign finance laws and two months for giving false testimony before the congress. Map of Waterdeep Here's a map I completed for a campaign that is currently in the planning stages. I'll probably be adding more to it as the campaign goes on, to represent other important places the PC's visit.

Waterdeep is a bustling trade city with over one million inhabitants. It has grown rich through trade and by attracting some of the most successful adventurers of history,

Approximately three miles from north to south and one mile from west to east, Waterdeep is securted by the Sea of Swords to the west and south and by the Trollwall to the North and East. Crossing the City from North to South takes just over an hour on foot on a major road, and approximately twice that if travelling the back streets. It is traditionally divided into seven major “Wards.”

1.1 Castle Ward

Occupying nearly a quarter of the City, this Ward contains Mount Waterdeep, the Palace, most of the government buildings, and many respectable or prosperous shops and homes.

Notable locations

  • Mount Waterdeep: At its top, Peaktop Aerie, houses Waterdeep’s Griffon Cavalry. Originally the site of dwarven mithril mines, Mount Waterdeep’s network of tunnels are now the base of an armored fortress.
  • New Olamn: Famed Bardic collige on the seaside cliff of Mount Waterdeep
  • Castle Waterdeep: Build into the mount, and heavily armed
  • Palace of Waterdeep: Chief government building, home of the Open Lord
  • Cynosure: Former temple, now grand public hall
  • Embassies
  • Market: Open air market on Trader’s way and Bazaar street
  • Font of Knowledge: also known as the “Great Library,” the Font is maintained by the Clergy of Oghma, ths Scrivner’s Guild, and the Bard College
  • Halls of Justice: Temple of Tyr, home to the Holy Order of Knights Samular and the Monastic Order of the Even Handed
  • Temples to most accepted deities
  • Several inns, including the Yawning Portal
  • Most guild halls
  • Many shops
  • Undermountain: No one can say how deep the tunnels in Mount Waterdeep run. Colonized and extended by many historical figures, in particular Halaster Blackcloak the Mad Mage. The dangers of Undermountain appear to have been largely contained in the depths, and many adventurers have made their fortunes daring its horrors, but many more have never returned.

1.2 City of the Dead

Map Of Waterdeep

A walled cemetary by the eastern cliffs, visited by day and guarded at night, the City of the Dead contains both common graves and mausoleums of the noble families.

1.3 Dock Ward

Contains the docks, shipbuilding yards, and warehouses for the sea trade. Compared to the rest of the city it is exceptionally dirty, smelly, and particularly dangerous. In the words of Elminster himself, the Dock Ward is a “riotous, nigh-perpetual brawl that covers entire acres, interrupted only by small buildings, intermittent trade businesses, an errant dog or two, and a few brave watchguards, who manage to keep the chaos from spreading beyond the docks; the whole lot wallowing in the stench of rotting fish.”

Notable locations

  • Seaswealth hall: Fishmarket and fishmonger’s guild hall
  • Various taverns and inns catering to dockworkers and sailors
  • Shipwrights
  • Guildhalls: Shipwrights, Dungsweepers, Coopers

1.4 North Ward

Home of the Nobility and the old money. Tymora’s Fancy is a high class gambling house in this ward.

1.5 Sea Ward

The wealthiest of the wards, Sea Ward contains many of the temples of Waterdeep, along with a good helping of the newer noble families and retired adventurers who can afford the odd villa or two.

  • The Field of Triumph, Waterdeep’s arena, is located here.
  • Many temples, shops, inns and shrines

1.6 South Ward

Smallest of the seven wards, it caters to the needs of caravans and traders. Generally consider the “poor” ward, the South Ward is often dusty, and its population shifts rapidly with the arrival and departure of caravans.

  • Trollwall – the city wall to the east. The City discourages construction close to the wall in order to defend against raiders.
  • Jade Dance – a well know festhall.

1.7 Trades Ward

Home to shops, trademen, crafters, etc.

2.1 Masked Lords

Waterdeep is ruled by a counsel of 16-30 “Lords” who rule in secret, wearing formless robes and magical masks on the rare occasions they appear in public. Their identities are a popular source of town gossip and speculation – although they are typically assumed to be largely composed of nobles and notable heros, anyone you meet might have a double life as a Masked Lord.

2.2 Open Lord

At any time, the chief executive of the City and first among Lords is the Open Lord, the single member of the council whose identity is made public. Waterdeep’s current Open Lord is Laeral Silverhand, an adventurer and wizard of legendary power, accomplishments and beauty. Silverhand returned to the City in 1489 to assume the role after the council forced the previous Open Lord, Dagult Neverember, into exile.

In order to govern such a vast population, justice is strict. Judges are knowne as Magisters or “Black Robes,” and pass sentence without jury. In some cases, sentences may be appealed to the Lords’ Court, overseen by the masked Lords, but unsuccessful appeals typically result in additional punishment.

    1. City Watch

A discliplined force of officers, tasked with keeping the peace and solving crimes. The watch typically patrols in groups of four, with one Civilar (captain), one Armar (corporal), and two patrolmen.

    1. Grey Hands

The Grey Hands are a group of accomplished adventurers who are contracted to the City and available to be called up in need. Powerful but frequently undisciplined, “Force Grey” is a blunt weapon used by the Lords of Waterdeep only in emergencies.

    1. Military

The City Guard, City Navy, and Griffin Cavalry defend the City and surrounding areas, and are available to support the City Watch when needed.

    1. Crime

Waterdeep has no formal Thieves Guild, with the last such instituion crushed in 1300 DR. Various groups have arisen and faded or been defeated since then.

Map Of Waterdeep Area

  1. Nobility

76 families with great historical wealth or accomplishments represent the Noble Houses of Waterdeep.

  1. Guilds

Waterdeep’s guilds are well organized and essential parts of the City’s commercial life. They welcome qualified (and dues-paying) members, and strongly resist attempts to ply governed trades by non-members. Players may begin the game with free membership in any guild they are qualified for by background, proficiency or class. Guild dues average 1 GP/month or 10/year paid in advance.

  1. Acane guilds and organizations
  • Blackstaff Tower – the home of Laeral Silverhand’s apprentices
  • New Olamn – Bardic college
  • Watchful Order of Magists and Protectors – Guild of low to moderate level arcanists and largest arcane school in Waterdeep
  1. Other guilds

Threre are guilds for almost every trade one can imagine, such as

Map Of Waterdeep
  • Council of Musicians, Instrument-makers, and Choristers
  • Dungsweepers’ Guild
  • Fellowship of Innkeepers
  • Jesters’ Guild
  • Guild of Apothecaries and Physicians
  • Most Careful Order of Skilled Smiths and Metalforgers
  • Splendid Order of Armorers, Locksmiths, and Finesmiths
  • Surveyors’, Map-, and Chart-makers’ Guild
  • Vintners’, Distillers’, and Brewers’ Guild
  1. Trade

Waterdeep features what is believed to be the largest port in Faerun and is located on three well paved and well patrolled trade roads. Although much more rare, airships are neverthelss frequent visitors to the City as well.

Map Of Waterdeep Dnd 5e

Major Trade Routes:

Waterdeep City Map

  • The Long Road, the inland trade route to the north, eventually reaching Mirabar
  • The High Road, the coastal trade route to the north, running from Waterdeep to Neverwinter and Luskan
  • The Trade Way, the trade route to the south, running from Waterdeep to Tethyr, Baldur’s Gate, and eventually Calimport.