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Hoi4 Soviet Union Guide
General Stats
Hoi4 Soviet Union Guide Mtg
A searchable, updated list of all Hearts of Iron IV country tags. These country tags are most commonly used with console commands. Germany Declares war on poland hoi4 Mask View size guide. 3 'The Aftermath of Versailles' (15 June 2020) Hoi4 templates hoi4 40 width tank division template, r/hoi4: A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Hearts of Iron IV by Paradox.
- This quiz has been taken 115 times
- The average score is 65 of 82
Answer Stats
Country Tag | Country | % Correct |
AFG | Afghanistan | |
ALB | Albania | |
BRA | Brazil | |
ARG | Argentina | |
AUS | Austria | |
BEL | Belgium | |
BHU | Bhutan | |
BOL | Bolivia | |
CHI | China | |
GRE | Greece | |
AST | Australia | |
FRA | France | |
DEN | Denmark | |
CUB | Cuba | |
NOR | Norway | |
ITA | Italy | |
FIN | Finland | |
IRQ | Iraq | |
JAP | Japan | |
ETH | Ethiopia | |
ENG | United Kingdom | |
LAT | Latvia | |
BUL | Bulgaria | |
CHL | Chile | |
EST | Estonia | |
POR | Portugal | |
CZE | Czechoslovakia | |
SWE | Sweden | |
USA | United States | |
TUR | Turkey | |
LIT | Lithuania | |
POL | Poland | |
COL | Colombia | |
RAJ | British Raj | |
MEX | Mexico | |
SOV | Soviet Union | |
LUX | Luxembourg | |
YUG | Yugoslavia | |
PER | Iran | |
PRU | Peru | |
PAN | Panama | |
IRE | Ireland | |
HOL | Netherlands | |
NEP | Nepal | |
URG | Uruguay | |
PAR | Paraguay | |
SWI | Switzerland | |
VEN | Venezuela | |
DOM | Dominican Republic | |
NZL | New Zealand | |
SPR | Spain | |
OMA | Oman | |
TIB | Tibet | |
HON | Honduras | |
ECU | Ecuador | |
COS | Costa Rica | |
YEM | Yemen | |
LIB | Liberia | |
PHI | Phillippines | |
NIC | Nicaragua | |
PRC | Communist China | |
MON | Mongolia | |
HAI | Haiti | |
SAF | South Africa | |
SAU | Saudi Arabia | |
GER | German Reich | |
ELS | El Salvador | |
YUN | Yunnan | |
CAN | Dominion of Canada | |
SIK | Sinkiang | |
SIA | Siam | |
SHX | Shanxi | |
INS | Dutch East Indies | |
MAL | British Malaya | |
TAN | Tannu Tuva | |
XSM | Xibei San Ma | |
ROM | Kingdom of Romania | |
GXC | Guangxi Clique | |
HUN | Kingdom of Hungary | |
MAN | Manchukuo | |
MEN | Mengkukuo | |
GUA | Guatamala |